Foodborne bacterial infection news
How many shocking news stories about foodborne bacterial infections have you heard?
prevent foodborne bacterial infections
Do you know how to prevent foodborne bacterial infections?
小心食源性疾病 Watch out for the foodborne diseases
什么是食源性疾病? What is foodborne disease?食源性细菌感染是指由食品中的各种致病因子经摄食进入人体引起的感染性或中毒性疾病。通俗地讲就是“吃”出来的病。大多数由致病菌引起的食源性疾病主要以消化系统症状为主,就是人们常说的“上吐下泻”。但有些食源性致病菌感染后除了消化系统症状以外,还会引起严重的并发症。
foodborne bacterial infection means the infectious or toxic diseases caused by pathogenic factors which enter human bodies through eating. Put it simply, it is the diseases caused by eating. Most foodborne diseases resulted from pathogenic bacteria mainly leads to Digestive System Symptoms, which is what they call ‘vomiting and diar ...